Digital Change - FAQ

Wed 26/Feb/25

Sutton Libraries FAQ


  1. How do I contact the library if I have a query?

All information can be found on the website. You can also email: [email protected] 


  1. How can I apply for a membership? 

You can join online by filling out the application form


  1. Can a membership be taken in person? 

Yes, if you bring at least one proof of address (digital or paper) to your local library, you can sign up.


  1. Is there a library membership fee? 

No, there is no fee for becoming a member of the library. 


  1. What is self access?

Self access enables customers to use libraries with no staff presence.  You can check when libraries are open here. You can sign up to self access via this page, you will need your library card number and pin. You will also be required to  carry out a mandatory induction and sign up to new terms and conditions.

See Section 2 below for more information about self access. 


  1. How does loaning a book work?

Once you are a member you can borrow up to 25 books at one given time and you can borrow them for a period of 3 weeks, this period can be extended up to 10 times by logging into the website and checking your account or by visiting your nearest library on a non self access day(see opening times). 


  1. How do I renew a book?

Borrowed books can be renewed in a few ways:

  1. Via the My Library app - Download My Library App on Apple or Android, and you'll be able to reserve and download any eBook or eAudiobook from 1000s of available titles for free

  2. Via your account

  3. Via the automated renewals line - 03333704700

  4. In person at one of our branches via the self service kiosks - You may not be able to extend your due back date if the book has been reserved. More information can be found on our policies page


  1. Is it possible to search the library's catalogue online? 

Yes, through the website and My Library App you can search the library catalogue for books within our borough and throughout the consortium.


  1. Can I reserve a book?

Yes, you can reserve books online by searching for them through the website. Fees apply to this service if you are over the age of 18. If you have a question about a book you have been unable to find and require a shelf check, please email [email protected] 


  1. Can I donate books to the Library?

We are unable to take book donations as books purchased for public libraries come prepared with a catalogue entry and a security tag and labelling. For this reason, we’re unable to take donations.


  1. Can I print and photocopy at the library?

Yes, all our libraries are equipped with printers that can print and photocopy. You will find instructions on how to do this at your local library. Prices can be found here.


  1. Is there wifi available? 

Yes, all our libraries have free wifi available. When you connect you will need to agree to the terms and conditions.


  1. Can I use  my own device?

Yes, all our libraries have desks that are designated workspaces, these spaces may be used if you have your own device or if you are studying. Study spaces at our Central library can be booked 


  1. How do I find out what events are going on?

We post all events onto the website


  1. What is the best way to keep up to date with library events?

The best way to keep up to date with library events would be by following our Facebook, Instagram. We also have a monthly newsletter that covers new and promotional events as well as other library news. 


  1. Do you have rooms for hire?

Yes, all our hireable spaces can be found on our website. Please email [email protected] for information about availability


  1. I am unable to get to a library

You may be eligible for our Housebound Service. For more information on how to join, please email [email protected] 


  1. I think I have left something in the library, how can I check ?

All items found without an identified owner are kept safely for a limited time. If there are contact details, we will contact the owner accordingly. Enquiries about lost property can be made by emailing [email protected] 

  1. How do I use your digital resources ?

We have handy guides.


  1. How do I access Heritage and Archive services ?

Information about our heritage and archives can be found here


Section 2: SELF ACCESS 


  1. Why has self access been introduced ?

Self access was introduced to increase opening times, and provide access to our libraries independently and at times convenient to you.

Sutton Council also needs to save £20 million by 2026 and deliver its Ambitious for Sutton 2022 - 2027 priorities.  We want to continue developing the library offer to customers whilst being able to deliver the savings that the Council has to make over the next three years.


  1. How do I sign up for self access ?

Please see information about signing up to self access


  1. (During staffed hours) Do we have to leave the Library when it goes into self access?/ Why do we have to leave?

The technology and system relies on logging who has accessed the building. As self access operates when there are no staff on site, there needs to be a change over from the time staff leave to when customers access the building. This enables us to ensure your safety and security when staff are not on site. 


  1. I don't have a pin or know my Pin?

You can request your pin number via the login page and rest your pin/password


  1. Can I use my child's card to enter the Library during self access?

Self access only allows adults and children aged 16 or 17 (with parental consent). Children can accompany a registered adult when the library is in self access. 


  1. Can I use a library card from i.e. Merton to get self access?

Sutton Library is part of the Libraries Consortium, if you have a card for one of the libraries within the consortium you may be able to gain access but you will need to complete the mandatory induction and agree our terms and conditions. 


  1. My friend has signed up to self access, can I come in with them?

Everyone using self access must be signed up individually and have done the mandatory induction.  Your friend risks losing their access if they let unregistered customers when the library is in self access.