The Ninth Child - Review

Fri 24/Feb/23

The Ninth Child - Book Review

by Sutton Council's Cultural Services staff


Book Review: The Ninth Child - Sally Magnusson


Title: The Ninth Child

Author: Sally Magnusson

Available to borrow via My Library App (Google Play / Apple iOS)


Several members of the team within Sutton Council's Cultural Services read The Ninth Child by Sally Magnusson. The group had a positive response, finding it engaging and enjoyable. The title's deft use of different genres was a particular highlight, inspiring them to share their views as written below.


I found The Ninth Child to be an engaging fusion of history and folklore. I really enjoyed reading this book and it’s vivid writing transported me to the Scottish landscape. A gothic tale that gripped and enthralled till the end. -Susan


It took me a long time to get into this story with the supernatural element confusing me, but by the second half of the book I was hooked and totally invested in the characters and really enjoyed the suspense. -Drifa


Magical, historical, original - it took me on a mysterious journey and the tension built all the way through. I liked the protagonist’s feisty, independent character (Isabel). It took a while to get used to the different narratives and dialects, but I enjoyed the challenge. A unique tale, woven around historical facts. -Nicola


Not something I would normally read - I found this challenging but very enjoyable. I liked the different perspectives that the author was able to write from as well as the magical elements. -Dhana


I really enjoyed the book. Will definitely recommend it to my dad and sister who are both avid readers as well. -Mark

Completely different to anything that I've ever read before but I couldn’t put this book down until I was done. Isabel was such a strong and compelling character especially for the time period; the setting was described beautifully and I was fully engaged throughout. -Katie


I thoroughly enjoyed The Ninth Child by Sally Magnusson. It was a brilliant combination of history, fiction and folklore. I must admit I did enjoy dipping into the lives of Victoria and Albert. -Susannah




'The Ninth Child' can be read for free with your Sutton Library card details through 'My Library App'. Download 'My Library App' in the relevant app store:


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