HiVis Fortnight

Thu 30/May/24


June 1st - 14th is Hi-Vis fortnight, a time that we at Sutton Libraries’ celebrate ‘all things’ related to accessible libraries and reading, with a special focus on the resources we provide for people with a vision or print impairment! 


Accessible and Spoken Word Stock

All of our libraries contain a collection of large-print fiction and non-fiction books, as well as audiobooks on CD. These items are available to borrow free of charge for visually impaired library users.


E-books and E-audiobooks

Digital E-books and E-audiobooks are available to borrow through the Libby app, and online at; aswell as on the Borrowbox app or at


Digital Newspapers and Magazines

A large collection of digital newspapers and magazines are available to borrow through the pressreader app, or at


Pressreader provides titles in mutlple languages, as well as English. Many of these titles can be translated to users via text-to-speech technology. 

Whitehall Museuem: VocalEyes Audio Tour

Experience Whitehall through audio description designed specifically for those with visual impairments. Now available online through VocalEyes, or ask for a handset at Whitehall historic house.

V.I.P Reading Group

This Visually Impaired group meets bimonthly at Sutton Library for a coffee morning, usually on the last Friday morning in the month.


An informal group where we get together to chat, hear about the latest spoken word titles and borrow the latest releases


For details or information about the group please contact Sutton Library at: [email protected]