Archive & Local Studies Searchroom
The Archive and Local Studies Searchroom is open for prebooked appointment slots every Thursday and on the first Saturday of every month. See times below.Appointments can be booked by emailing local.studies@sutton.
Appointment times for viewing archives and the electoral register are:
- 10am - 11am
- 11:30am - 12:30pm
- 2pm - 4pm
- 4:30pm - 6.30pm
First Saturday of every Month
- 10am - 11am
- 11am - 12pm
- 12pm - 1pm
- 1pm - 2pm
Please note, on Saturdays a maximum of 2 hours may be booked per researcher to accommodate demand.
Bookings for archive production must be made in advance in order to allow sufficient time forselection and production of records. For Thursday bookings, this will be by 10am on the preceding Tuesday. For Saturdays, by 10am on the preceding Thursday.
The Full Electoral Register is also available for consultation from 10am-13.25pm on Friday mornings. 25 minute appointments must be pre-booked, and you will be asked to provide the address and years you wish to consult in advance.
In advance of your visit you will need to tell us:
- If you require PC use - only one PC will be operational per session, but you are welcome to bring a laptop.
- If you require use of the Microfiche/film readers. Please note, you will need to tell us which films you require in advance. These will be loaded and unloaded by Archives staff.
- The archive reference number of the records you wish to see (search our catalogue at OR a detailed description of the material you hope to see/your research subject, including subject/names/dates/locations/format. If you are unsure about this information, please email [email protected] for advice, giving as much detail as possible. We will inform you in advance what we are likely to have of relevance. Please note that we require notice of all archive retrievals by 10am on the Tuesday preceding your appointment.
- Any supplementary local material you may need to see - OS Maps/Photos/Pamphlets. A staff member will retrieve these for you. Browsing will be limited to books only.
When you visit:
- You will be required to provide ID (Sutton Library or CARN card, or photo ID such as driving licence/passport) and complete a new user form (if you have not visited us before). You will also need to complete the visitor log. A sheet for every visitor will be placed on each desk, and you will be asked to complete and leave it behind when your session ends, for collection by staff. The information we record is used for security and statistical purposes respectively. We comply with GDPR regulation in this regard and will not keep your personal details for any other purpose.
- Please wash your hands with soap and water in advance of entering the searchroom, and again when you leave. We do not advise the use of anti-bacterial spray or gel when handling archives but you are welcome to wear nitrile gloves for your own protection if you prefer. Toilets with handwashing facilities are available on level 2A, close to the searchroom.
- Please wear a face mask if you are able. We ask all visitors to observe social distancing guidelines, but staff and visitors will be required to wear masks when the interpretation or handling of archive material requires proximity to be temporarily reduced.
- Photos, pamphlets and maps will be removed from drawers by staff. They will be placed in quarantine/cleaned after use. Visitors are not permitted to browse these locations. We ask that you consider any of these materials that you may require in advance and list them on your booking.
- Please leave all bags, coats and umbrellas on designated tables as your enter. You will not be able to have them at your desk.
- No pens, food or drinks are permitted in the searchroom. Pencils only. If possible we ask that you bring your own pencil at this time.
- Photography of archives is only permitted at the discretion of the archive staff, subject to usual regulations. You will be asked to complete a disclaimer form and may need to pay a charge for certain usage requests.
- Please note, print requests will be handled via the library kiosks (library card required) or by downloading the Princh app from the Apple or Google App Store. You will need to load your payment card details into this in advance. For cash photocopying payments, we will only accept exact amounts. We cannot issue change.
For all other enquiries feel free to email [email protected]. Please understand we will do all we can to answer queries, however due to staff working from home, collections and information may be inaccessible.