

Sutton Council's Cultural Services - Interruptions - a display screen simulating fire positioned above a fireplace  Sutton Council's Cultural Services - Interruptions - brown dress on a minikin featuring the texture of an historic door  Sutton Council's Cultural Services - Interruptions - colour segments in a stained glass window


Sutton Council's Cultural Services - Interruptions - artistic structure made of glass and wire  Sutton Council's Cultural Services - Interruptions - a framed picture of a young man leaping and another framed picture of two young people stood up  Sutton Council's Cultural Services - Interruptions - two benches side-by-side with two carved wooden blocks placed on top 


Created with the University for the Creative Arts


17 June - 17 July 2021, 31 March - 4 June 2022


Contemporary place-based artwork, created by students from University for the Creative Arts, Epsom in response to Whitehall's history and spaces. 


A second exciting collaborative exhibition with University of the Creative Arts Epsom took place. Interruptions highlighted and celebrated the creative outputs produced by foundation and BTEC students, whilst also exploring new approaches to displaying and interrupting Whitehall's exhibition spaces with contemporary art.