All of our libraries, Whitehall Historic House and Honeywood Museum are accessible by wheelchair users. Sutton Central Library and Cheam Library have induction loops. All our libraries stock a selection of large print books and talking books. Guide dogs are welcome in all libraries. The staff will be pleased to advise you before your visit.
‘My Library App’ is a smartphone app that allows library members to find and reserve books across multiple library branches and services. Download the app to access all reading materials in one place.
eBook readers allow the text of books to be increased and altered to suit the reader. These can be downloaded onto a smart device at home for free. eBooks available from BorrowBox and Libby support different colour themes available (e.g. Lite, Sepia, Dark) and different fonts available including Dyslexia friendly font. BorrowBox has adjustable text spacing (e.g. narrow, normal & wide). Libby has a “define” feature, allowing you to see the meaning of a word within the text.
eAudiobooks are available to library members via BorrowBox and uLibrary to be downloaded to a smart device. The play speed of eAudiobooks can be made faster or slower based on the user’s personal preference. This feature may benefit those with hearing or mental difficulties who may need more time to interpret audio.
All libraries stock a range of titles in large print, both fiction and information books. At Sutton Library the large print is located on the ground floor. Dictionaries, the Bible and a larger selection of information books are available.
Audiobooks are available in all our libraries. Titles include popular fiction, crime, thrillers, sagas, classics, biographies, travel, humour, etc. On CDs & MP3 format. Audio books can be borrowed free of charge if you are visually impaired or have another disability or condition which makes it difficult for you to read print. Please ask for your membership to be updated.
Digtial Newspapers and Magazines
PressReader, free for library members, features publications from up to 60 countries and 18 languages. Sections of text can be highlighted for easier reading. There is audio narration available from text. Publications can be presented as was printed, in a screen friendly format and/or full screen. And “SmartZoom” allows automatic zoom in to the start of an article. Libby, by Overdrive provides digital magazines with can be scaled in text size and has different colour modes (bright, sepia and dark) for a more comfortable reading experience.
Housebound Library Service
Our housebound service volunteers deliver library books to Sutton residents who have difficulty getting to or accessing their local library, including those who are vulnerable and/or socially isolated. To apply for the Housebound Library Service, contact by telephone: 020 8770 5000.
All libraries have computers for use. The internet and word processing are available. Most libraries have a PC with an enhanced screen, scanner and software which makes computers accessible to those with a visual impairment. Please contact your local library for further information and availability. Computers are available to use in all libraries and give access to the internet. Most libraries have a PC with an enhanced screen and scanner. Supernova, which makes computers accessible to visually impaired people, is available at some libraries.
Whitehall Historic House Audio Description Guide and Visual Guide
Experience Whitehall Historic House through audio description with our brand new guide. Explore the fascinating Grade II* listed Whitehall Historic House in Cheam, Sutton, with this comprehensive audio-descriptive guide co-designed with Vocal Eyes for visitors with visual impairments. Ask a member of staff or a volunteer at our front desk. Also available online via VocalEyes and Soundcloud.
There is also a visual guide available which allows visitors to be introduced to the experience of the building in their own time before visiting the physical space itself.
Library services for visually impaired people
Libraries in Sutton are committed to extending and improving access to their services. For example, a print magnification device is available in libraries.
Sensory Sacks
For visitors of Whitehall Historic House with Special Education Needs and Disabilities and their families and carers, Sensory Sacks are designed to support the experience of visitors with sensory needs. Our sensory sacks include:
- Ear defenders
- Fidget toys
- A spotters’ guide and puppets
Available to borrow free of charge from the museum’s front desk.
Our partners at Head2Head Sensory Theatre present the Sensory Sacks in a friendly video, as well as an introduction to Whitehall Historic House.
Children's services
eBooks and eAudiobooks are available for children through My Library App. Children are welcome to watch our rhymetimes and storytimes, which are online until further notice.
VIP Library Group
A friendly informal group meets bi-monthly at Sutton to talk about books. It provides an opportunity to borrow new audio books and to chat to others with a visual impairment. Refreshments are provided. For more information contact Sutton Library: 020 8770 5000.
Assistive technology
CCTV print magnifier - Sutton, Cheam and Wallington Libraries have one available. This enlarges text for easier viewing.